Flowers for Christmas are wonderful! They are perfect in everything - from the idea itself, to the embodiment! And then, one morning, I suddenly realized - I want to give such bouquet to my beloved.

And what should be so extraordinary in this bouquet so that it:

  • could make an incredibly pleasant impression;
  • at least remotely remind of the approaching Christmas;
  • be accessible - I'm not a millionaire!

And thoughts began to develop in all directions at once.

What flowers should be in Christmas bouquet?

The first thing that was decided was that the bouquet should have winter flowers: poinsettia, rose, orchid or lilies. These should not be the flowers that are associated with summer - daisies or tulips, gladioli or snowdrops - there will be a time for them, but this time is not on Christmas Eve!

Red poinsettia in general is often and for many is a symbol of Christmas. It is not surprising that this particular flower is put on the first place in the list of those that should be in the bouquet. For many, poinsettia combines the red shades of its flowers and the rich green tones of the leaves. But it is these two colors that are the symbols of Christmas - Santa's red fur coat and green Christmas trees, lightly dusted with snow.

Roses are like flowers out of time, they are always appropriate, they are always welcome, they are always beautiful, regardless of the time of year. Probably that's why the perfect Christmas bouquet will be very beautiful if there are roses in it. By the way, not necessarily rich red! After all, you can beat and vice versa - use white roses as a symbol of winter!

But roses would not be so popular and beautiful, and so beloved, if they existed only in these two colors... But a golden rose can easily be associated with some kind of magic, which also gives the right to such a shade to be present in the Christmas arrangement!

Lilies, especially calla lilies, will fit very harmoniously into any bouquet, including Christmas. It's all about the unusual shape of the petals of this amazing flower - they seem to be out of this world! As if the aliens, leaving our Earth after another visit, accidentally dropped a lily seed from their pocket...

But these are all flowers. Well, we've dealt with them. And what else would you do to make this bouquet meet all the requirements? I know! Add a little winter to it!

Winter bouquets: step-by-step guide

To give the bouquet a feeling of winter, in fact, it is enough to use a small number of those details in it that are unambiguously and infallibly associated with winter. For example, pine twigs or cones. And even better - both! Both components are often inseparable in our minds when it comes to winter.

You can take a few spruce or pine twigs as the basis of the entire arrangement. And then, starting from their sizes and shapes, put the rest of the flowers and decorations on them so that the overall appearance is harmonious and beautiful.

On the other hand, you can do exactly the opposite! First, create a bouquet of flowers, absorbing all those flowers in variety and quantity that are needed, and then add a little pine needles - just giving a winter charm to the bouquet and emphasize it relevance.

And when it seems to you that everything is ready, remember the snow! What kind of Christmas without it?! Add a little white, fluffy, crumbly something. Yes, it is exact something, because anything is suitable for this purpose: from foam or cereals, to special decorative artificial snow. And for the image of snow drifts, some people manage to use ordinary cotton wool... Why not?

And now almost winter is read in every note of the bouquet. But we are interested in not just a winter bouquet, but a Christmas one! You can add solemnity with, for example, candles or ordinary Christmas tree toys.

What?! Candles in a bouquet? Yes, candles in a bouquet! Do not forget, the Christmas bouquet is more often performed in the form of a arrangement, which means it does not permanent stay in the hands. Rather, on the contrary - it was given and after that it stands on a table or windowsill and pleases everyone around. But no one assumes that it will constantly need to be carried from one corner of the house to another. Therefore, candles, Christmas tree toys, and even a light shawl - everything may be used!

And now is the main question: is all it possible?

In search of an answer to this main question, we will go to the best flower shop in New York, for which, it seems, nothing is impossible – Sahola Flowers Shop!

And we will not throw away advertising slogans too much, but only show ready-made solutions to our ideas:

  • Candles in a bouquet? No problem:
  • Cones and needles? Here you are!
  • Roses, lilies, orchids? Of course!

For such unintelligible, but dreamy, like me, these guys have created a whole section of the site with answer to questions that I didn't even have time to think of: Christmas Flower Guide. Explore this so as not to get into such deep thoughts that I got into. And one day, who knows, maybe it's your Christmas flowers will make someone feel good for the whole holiday! And maybe even at all - will give this wonderful holiday! Give people happiness, because there is never much happiness!

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