
Success Story:  Melanie Milletics, Stay-at-Home-Mom and National Executive, TraVerus Travel

If you speak with Melanie Milletics, she’ll tell you, “I’m living the American dream!”  That’s because of her home-based business with TraVerus Travel.  In less than 2 years, Melanie has reached the level of National Executive, and is a member of TraVerus’ Field Leadership team.  She runs her business from home, with the support of her husband, and is building the kind of residual income she has always dreamed of.

Searching for a Home-Based Business Opportunity

This was not always the case for Melanie and her family.  Eight years ago, she began working from home in other network marketing ventures to earn supplemental income while staying home with her two young children.  She tried a variety of home-based businesses, but Melanie soon found the compensation did not match the time and effort she put into these ventures.

When Melanie’s husband was laid off from his position in June 2005, Melanie went back to work outside the home as a high school science teacher.  She was now leaving home each day before her children were even awake, and this troubled Melanie a great deal.  In addition to working outside the home during the day, she continued her efforts in network marketing ventures in the evenings.  She kept hoping to reach a point where her daytime salary could be replaced.

“I am Living the American dream!”

Melanie joined TraVerus Travel in January 2007.  By her own admission, she “initially put less than a full effort into the business.”  however, by that fall, “the motivation to have more quality time with my children became so strong.”  So Melanie set some specific goals for herself and the business.  Her personal motivation to be there for her children, coupled with a focused vision for her TraVerus Travel business, became the key to great success.

TraVerus Leads to Success

Melanie began to make a consistent and concerted effort to share TraVerus with 5 to 15 people daily via telephone and Internet marketing strategies.  She became a master recruiter, enrolling more individuals with TraVerus Travel, and booking more trips.  Melanie quickly advanced beyond Certified Travel Agent to Regional Executive status.  During this time, she saw her active earnings increase, as well as a substantial rise in residual income from recruitment efforts.

In January 2008, Melanie had the opportunity to meet and talk with David Manning, President of TraVerus travel, on a member’s trip.  Melanie counts this as a second turning point in her career progression with TraVerus.  Because she had become so successful, David Manning was very interested in Melanie sharing her strategies with him and others at TraVerus.  In early 2008, Melanie achieved the level of National Executive.  Then in April, she was one of ten individuals asked to join TraVerus Field Leadership Team, due to her expertise in telephone and Internet marketing strategies.  This team promotes greater success for field agents by providing feedback to corporate leaders.

By June 2008, Melanie’s TraVerus’ residual income alone had replaced her and her husband’s former salaries!  She was thrilled to be able to resign from her high school teaching position.  At the same time, as part of her leadership activities with TraVerus, Melanie began providing corporate training to other agents.  She’s utilizing her teaching skills with TraVerus, but in a much more lucrative way, and says, “I love it!”

Living the “American Dream”

Today, Melanie nurtures her existing TraVerus base, and continues to grow the business.  She is available to team members, making sure they understand the tools needed to be successful, which in turn increases her residual income from team members’ efforts.  Melanie also pursues new business income from travel bookings and recruiting agents.

Melanie states, “One of the greatest challenges to consider when starting your own business, is balancing work time with family time.”  In particular, with TraVerus’ “proven methods for success and a compensation structure superior to other network marketing businesses,” Melanie warns, “you may be tempted to become a ‘workaholic’.”  The potential for ever-greater rewards can become intoxicating.

“One of the greatest challenges to consider when starting your own business, is balancing work time with family time.”

To keep her life in proper balance, Melanie generally schedules her work time from 12:00 to 4:00 and from 8:00 to 10:00.  This allows her to see the kids off to school and spend quality time with them up until bedtime.  If important calls come in, her husband watches the children, runs the household and assists her with the business.  With a work schedule that is built around family needs, Melanie and her husband now have greater personal freedom, more time for their children, and more time for each other.  Melanie appreciates being able to make doctor appointments without hassle, take an afternoon off work for a family outing with the kids, or “go on a ‘day-date’ with my husband whenever I want!”

When asked what advice she would give those just starting a TraVerus home-based business, Melanie emphasized you have to “plug into it to win.”  She realized her own greatest success after she committed to applying TraVerus proven methods for “massive exposure of the business to others.”  Melanie indicates this is easy to do with the telephone and Internet networking strategies that agents are trained on.

With the comprehensive training, an attractive compensation structure, and the allure of travel, TraVerus is an “easy sell” compared to other home-based marketing programs that Melanie tried previously.  Melanie encourages others to pursue their personal version of the American dream through TraVerus Travel.  For Melanie and her family, it has meant financial security, more time with family, greater personal freedom, and fantastic travel adventures for the entire family!

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