Please Note: I wrote this back in 2004 and submitted it to Web pro news

But they removed my website in my sig/about me file and at the end of my article, not sure why but that really sucked!  Here is the original copy I found going through my text files.

The Creative Science of Advertising

Create a powerful headline\subjectline that stimulates the targeted reader and 80%
to 90% of the targeted readers will visit Your website and become potential sales, sign-ups or subscribers.

Your headline\subjectline is the most powerful
ingredient of your ad.

This is really a no-brainer.
How many ads\e-mails have you read without reading the headline\subjectline?

Your headline\subjectline must stimulate, distract and command attention
as well as target the reader.
All of this must be done using about 8 words or less...most times less.

A few questions?

Do you watch TV for the commercials?
Do you buy magazines to read the ads?
Do you visit your favorite website to read the sponser ads?

Most people will try to avoid reading ads.
It is asking them for their valuable time.

Distract the reader.

Target your reader(Use your product\service or word\s That  associates\identifies with your product\service), this is a great way to distract the reader.
How many times have you skimmed through a webpage or email and thought you seen something that you wanted or interested you and you back tracked to try and find it?....Target Your Reader!

Command Attention to YOUR ad.

Headlines\subjectlines using all capital\uppercase fonts are difficult to read. 
however, I found that making a power word all capital\uppercase
will command attention and greatly increased response to my ads.

Stimulate the reader.

Your headline\subjectline should Scream the biggest benefit your product\service
offers and stimulate: Excite the readers imagination and rouse a sense of Want, Need and\or Curiosity. This will motivate the reader into the rest of your ad.

The body of your ad should be just as powerful as your  headline\subjectline.
It should tell the reader how they can greatly benefit using your product\service and\or why they need and must have your product\service.

Make the reader hungry, and your product\service is the seven course meal they hunger for.

You must test your ads.
Some ads will get great response and some will get little to no response.
Ads that get no response, is mostly due to poor headline\subjectline.
The difficulty of creating good ad copy is, you must write it from inside the readers mind.
The best way to achieve this is write your ad and then try to read it like you know nothing about your product\service and each word is giving you new stimulating information about the product\service. 

Words that stimulate\give ads power and are used more over in headlines\subjectlines

Free          New        Money           Now
Get           Save       Your            How to
Sale          You        Be a            Value
Best          Deal       More            Make

Advertising is a Creative Science.
A definition from Webster's New World Dictionary for the word creative:
"Stimulating the Imagination."

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