Fresh content is the lifeblood of an effective website. It's an absolute necessity to attract and retain visitors. It can also be a crucial benefit in reducing your online advertising costs by driving organic visitors to your site.

Each time you add fresh content to your site, that content gets indexed by the major search engines. This provides you with opportunities for web surfers to stumble across your content when they are searching for information. Most major search engines also give preference to sites that are more frequently updated, giving you a boost in search result placement.

Fresh, compelling content on your website gives visitors a reason to visit and return to your site. If they know there is going to be something new the next time they come back, they're more likely to bookmark your site and visit again later. They're also more likely to share your site and recommend it to others. This will also give you a boost in search result placement because search engines give more weight to sites with more links pointing to them. Each time one of your visitors submits your site to a social bookmarking site, you have another link pointed to your site.

These organic boosts to your search results position will naturally reduce your need for advertising and promotional expenditures and help impact your bottom line in a very positive way. With a little time and effort you can have a website that is much more effective and useful to your target audience, while at the same time reducing your dependence on paid methods.

Have a plan in place for certain elements of your website to be dynamic, or change frequently. Perhaps you have informative articles on your site. If you've had five articles up for more than 30 days, it's time to replace them with five different articles. You can always rotate those five articles back in at a later date, but you definitely don't want the same visitors to keep seeing those same content over and over. The search engines will also reward your efforts.

Another simple and quick way to keep fresh content on your website are to add a blog and post new entries on a regular basis. Blog posts can be made very easily and are a good way to distribute time-sensitive information. The blog posts are also indexed by the search engines and show up in search results, bringing you new visitors. The popularity of blogs even has some visitors searching specifically for blog postings on their particular subject of interest.

No matter what approach you decide to take, make sure to make keeping your website updated a top priority. The web is a great place to put forth information, news, announcements and any other types of messages you want to share. Take advantage of that by using your website to your advantage, keeping it fresh and making the search engines take note of what you have to offer. It will pay off in increased traffic with reduced advertising costs.

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