Are you tired of looking up the same vegetable or fruit in Korean every time you need to read Korean recipes, go grocery shopping, or watch Korean cooking shows?

Not anymore!

This complete guide well breaks down 71 delicious fruits and vegetables into 6 different categories from basic fruits and vegetables in Korean to more advanced cooking verbs, common herbs, and memorization tips, so that you will never make a mistake and feel sorry for youself.

Let’s see how to say names of these colorful vegetables in korean

How To Say Fruits In Korean?

Fruits in Korean are called 과실[gwasil]. These are the commonly eaten fruits in Kora are strawberry (in spring), watermelon, yellow melons/Chamae and peach (summer), apple, persimmon and pear (autumn), and mandarin orange (winter).

Here is a complete list of the most common fruits in Korean for complete beginners, with translations for you to get started.

Here is a list of popular Fruits in Korean language with translation to start you with.

  • Apple in Korean -사과 [sa gwa]
  • Pear in Korean – 배 [bae]
  • Peach in Korean – 복숭아 [bok ssun ga]
  • Orange in Korean – 오렌지 [o ren ji]
  • Banana in Korean – 바나나 [ba na na]
  • Strawberry in Korean –딸기 [ttal gi]
  • Grapes in Korean – 포도 [po do]
  • Watermelon in Korean –수박 [su bak]
  • Apricot in Korean – 살구 [sal gu]
  • Pineapple in Korean – 파인애플 [pah in ae peul]
  • Persimmon in Korean -감 [gam]
  • Cherries in Korean – 체리 [che lee]
  • Melon in Korean -멜론 [mel lon]
  • Pomegranate in Korean -석류 [seong nyu]
  • Tangerine in Korean – 귤 [gyool]

how to say vegetables in korean

There are many different vegetables that you might want to talk about in Korean. Here are some common words for vegetables in Korean:

  • 고구마 (goguma) - sweet potato
  • 감자 (gamja) - potato
  • 토마토 (tomato) - tomato
  • 양배추 (yangbaechu) - cabbage
  • 오이 (oi) - cucumber
  • 상추 (sangchu) - lettuce
  • 쌈잡이 (ssamjabi) - bell pepper
  • 시금치 (sigeumchi) - spinach
  • 양파 (yangpa) - onion

Here's an example of how you might use some of these words in a sentence in Korean:

저는 상추, 오이, 시금치를 좋아해요. (I like lettuce, cucumber, and spinach.)

In this sentence, "상추" (sangchu), "오이" (oi), and "시금치" (sigeumchi) are the subjects, and they are modified by the verb "좋아해요" (johaeyo), which means "to like." The conjunction "-를" (eul) is used to connect the subjects.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about learning Korean.

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