I am apologizing for being absent so long and not keeping with everyone here.

My life as it is has gone to hell in a hand basket and I am just starting to get back on track now.

Been missing you folks and seriously neglected everyone here.

What with weddings, my dad, my sisters, and new grandchild my life has been a Zoo.

I am still working part time with hubby and know that I'll no sooner get this posted and I will be back to work again.

Hoping to be able to get a schedule going so I won't be ignoring my online fun as well.

Course then I have to make myself stick to it. LOL

Been busy working on a new blog Wendy's Reel

So feel free to stop by and visit. Leave a comment, criticize or compliment. Let me know what you think one way or the other.

your friend (I hope)




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