Hello, My name is Michael Brantley. Welcome to my network marketing blog. I'm from Tickfaw LA, and I've been involved in MLM for a total of 5 years. I'm now a member of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, which is the most powerful, efficient, and effective network marketing tool ever invented. But before I tell you about it, let me tell you how I ended up as a part of this groundbreaking new system. Always wanted to work for myself,since the kids are grown I decided to give it a try. Health and wellness is one of my main concerns that why I chose this field. A few friends of mine who are younger, I'm 53 and they have all kinds of health problems so that push me also in this direction. I feel that is important for us to take care of our bodies when we are younger so that as we get older we minimize those health issues.. So that's my journey through the world of MLM. Its been challenging and rewarding, but I've learned so much and I'm excited to now be apart of the best system in the industry, The SpiderWeb Marketing System. Please check back for the next entry in my blog. One of the greatest parts about this system is that it is 100% FREE! Check out the site here to find out more: http://www.TheSpiderWebSystem.com/mbrantleysr Thanks, Michael Brantley -- Posted By oldbaldguy to SpiderWeb Marketing at 4/22/2008 10:55:00 PM

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