To most internet marketers and network marketers first mover advantage often means jumping over the fence into a greener looking pasture. And as usual they completely misunderstand this phenomenon.

If you are talking about a new business, then obviously the first business to pioneer a new market has a first mover advantage over the rest of the field. And as an associate you can go along for a great ride as I am now doing with uVme.

But for me as a person living my life, first mover advantage has a completely different meaning. Be it my love life, my family life, my sports career, my business career or even my uVme associate career, first mover advantage is a state of mind. It's the way I wake up in the morning and look at the world.

It's the way I strive to recognise and exploit today's new opportunities before the rest of the world wakes up. Successful people have clear purpose and goals in their life. They don't jump ship when a new opportunity presents itself or when a threatening storm appears on the horizon. What they do is adjust their course and the rigging of their ship to take full advantage of what today's weather has to offer.

So if you are an opportunity hopper in search of the next pre-launch that offers you first mover advantage, please think again. First find yourself a company and business and a team that you can believe in and where you can work with passion. Second focus day in day out on your daily activities with this business and you will start to experience the true meaning of first mover advantage for yourself.

First mover advantage is completely misunderstood by most associates, which probably goes a long way to explain why most associates never achieve the level of success they desire either in their lives or in their long list of abandoned business ventures.

First mover advantage is all about YOU and ME!

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