Found new search engine submitter today. They offer the TOP results, for 5 keywords on Google and 39 other MAJOR search engines, within 120 days for FREE!
It costs nothing to try the service. You have to see it work to believe it, therefore they don’t charge you a dime.

This FREE try out only exists while they are in BETA testing their service. Beta testing will take until the end of the March 2008.

After 120 days they will take your site for 7 days at top position and when you earn from the results you'll finally pay a small fee (bid) to carry on being NUMBER ONE on Google plus 39 other TOP search engines.
Each bid you make secures another 120 days at NUMBER ONE on the TOP 40 search engines including Google and Yahoo.

It's FREE. You can EARN thousands before bidding/paying for keywords - GUARANTEED. YOU cannot lose! Join now as a client and go to NUMBER ONE.

There's another opportunity!
Become an affiliate to earn massive income from giving this unique service away during BETA period.
 Join us now and get paid credits to bid on keywords or CASH!!! It costs nothing to join 1on40.

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