Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.

I thought I would share my thoughts with you this day. I have a lot to be thankful for. I have my health, my three sons, and my husband. I live in a nice home. I have food on my table every day. I have bills (which means I have a job, and I'm grateful). I also own a business, which I love.

But this Thanksgiving, I'm feeling a bit melancholy.

Allow me to explain... Through the years, I've watched my children learn to talk, walk, start school, thrive and gain knowledge, and grow into. I've watched triumphs, and failures. I've shared laughter and wiped tears.

And now, the time is near to say goodbye and let go.  My eldest is grown now, and although he's living at home again, I know that the time will come when he will be gone, and out on his own, permanently. My middle son is 17. We missed him at our Thanksgiving family dinner this year. Why? Because the time has now come to quit being the mother hen and let go. I let him go to Colorado to spend the holiday with a family that he became friends with, and they moved away. He was invited by the parents to join them for their family dinner. I really didn't think he would be away from us this year, but he decided that he wanted to go. My heart was breaking, but I said okay.  My youngest son is only 13, but his time is coming.

As a parent, we do so much for our children. We fret, we cry, lose sleep, teach and love... Our entire lives center around them. But there comes a time, when our children grow up and move away. A part of my heart aches today, and there's an empty spot. 

How will I cope and how long will it take me to adjust to a quiet house. Right now, I can't answer this.  When the time comes and all my children are gone, will my heart feel empty forever? I hope not, because it really hurts.

If your a parent and your children are young - enjoy it. Cherish every minute of their young lives. All too soon, they will grow up.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Time to eat desert :)

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