The idea of the Top It is to top articles that are of quality and value.

I posted a blog that was purely to make some tests to try tracking down why some members were having problems with the HTML editor. It content was pure garbage and the title said ignore it as it is only for some tests, yet at the point in time I deleted it, it had had 4 tops – WHY? It was just some garbage to see if the formatting messes up after a period of time.

Although it was nice to see some prepared to support me, neither I nor many other members want garbage topped. The Top it is not there to be abused.
I had more tops on that piece of trash than I have on some serious posts I have made that have had far more views. This abuse is only serving to lower the standard of posts in APSense.

Unfortunately the above is not the only incident of abuse that is happening. It is being abused by groups of people getting together and going round topping everything that the others in the group post no matter if it is pure garbage or not.

The search engine ratings do not look at how many tops a post has they look at the content and even if it has 1000’s of tops if its crap they will not list it.

I think its time that we all ask ourselves this question.

Do we want people to start looking at APSense as a site where the members don’t know S**t from Sugar or do we want them to know APSense as a site where the members recognize quality content?

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