10 Motivational Triggers That Make People Buy

1. People want to make more money. They may
want to start their own business, get a higher paying
job or invest in the stock market. This will make
them feel successful.

2. People want to save money. They may want to
invest for the future or save for a big purchase.
This will make them feel more secure.

3. People want to save time. They may want to
work less and spend time enjoying life's pleasures.
This will make them feel more relaxed.

4. People want to look better. They may want to
lose weight, tone their body, or improve their facial
features. This will make them feel more attractive.

5. People want to learn something new. They may
want to learn how to change their car oil or build a
deck. This will make them feel more intelligent.

6. People want to live longer. They may want to
get in shape, eat better or gain extra energy. This
will make them feel healthier.

7. People want to be comfortable. They may want
to relive aches and pains or want to sleep in a more
comfortable bed. This will make them feel

8. People want to be loved. They may not want to
be lonely anymore or want to start dating again.
This will make them feel wanted.

9. People want to be popular. They may want to
be a famous celebrity or be more popular in
school. This will make them feel praised and

10. People want to gain pleasure. They may want
satisfy their appetite or sexual desires. This will
make them feel more fulfilled.

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