Isn't is sad that many excellent blogs and groups don't get read?

I know that many of us have limited time online, and there are literally hundreds of blogs and groups available.   It's hard to keep up with one's own pages, without reading everyone elses, but spare a thought for those who do their best to write interesting content and never seem to get a hit.   (I'm not talking about me here - I get a few hits! )

If you see a new group or blog listed in Apsense Express, or "What My Friends Are Doing" (especially this one - they're your online friends, after all), why not check it out, and even make a comment.  You'll make the owner very happy, I'm sure.

You may not agree with what is being said, but polite discussion is fine, and adds to the content.   There are some great discussions going on in some of the groups around here, but in others, there is no action at all!

Oh yes, when you do post to someone's blog or group, make sure it's relevant, and not a blatant ad for your own program.    If you want to advertise, then use the TE's, or start your own blog or group!    It's easy and it will earn you points.    Good content rules!

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