Creating Environmental Awareness is something very close to my heart. But sometimes it is difficult to know what to do next. Individuals  blogging about the various issues such as Global Warming, Climate Change etc is one way but this will only reach a small minority of people. If we want to make a larger impact it is vital that we join forces to bring these important issues to as many people as possible

On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put this important issue well and truly on the world wide web. If every blogger who supports the Environmental Cause will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic it could have a phenomenal effect.

Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.

Blog Action Day is about MASS participation. That means we need you!

Here are 3 ways to participate:

* Post on your blog relating to the environment on Blog Action Day

* Donate your day’s earnings to an environmental charity

* Promote Blog Action Day around the web

You need to visit this website to register your blog.

There is a YouTube video you can watch as well as a page full of resources to help you with your blog

Please participate in any way you can

Thank you

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

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