Affiliate Marketing Issues TOPIC: Three Traffic Triggers


Have you heard of a squeeze page before? If you are like many
other internet users, you haven’t. If you are trying to make
money, through selling an affiliate product or service, you are
advised to examine squeeze pages.  After giving it a close
examination, you will see that there are a number of different
ways that squeeze pages can help you.

When it comes to squeeze pages, you will find that they have a
number of different definitions. In fact, it is sometimes
difficult to pin down the exact meaning of a squeeze page.
Although there are some variations, all squeeze pages, no matter
how they are defined, have the same goal. That goal it to help
you get the names and email address of internet users; internet
users that you can then send emails or newsletters to. If
properly executed, a squeeze page, which allows you to create an
email list, will not only increase the amount of traffic that
your website sees, but it may also increase the amount of
affiliate sales you make.

As it was stated above, there are a number of different
definitions for a squeeze page.  There are many professional who
believe that squeeze pages are simply a page where you have a
small form that your visitors can fill out.  Many times, the
only information asked for is a first name and an email address.
Once an internet user provides you with that information, you
can then send regular emails or newsletters, whichever you

While many squeeze pages have nothing on them, there are many
professionals who feel that you should provide a little bit of
information.  This is fine to do, but you want to be carefully
with providing too much information or making your information
appears as if it spam.  For instance, if you are running a
website that is centered on caring for your pets and the
affiliate products that you are selling are pet related, you may
want to write a little bit of information on pet care.  However,
when doing so, you do not want to promote your products now.
Providing too much information may not only make it so your
visitors don’t need to signup for your email alerts, but it may
also discourage them from doing so.

There are also many professional who feel that you need to give
visitors a reason to sign up for your newsletters or email
alerts, like an incentive.  The decision as to whether or not
you want to offer an incentive is yours to make, but it is
important to note that incentive have a positive track record.
As an incentive, you may want to give you customers something
free, such as en e-book. Keeping with example mentioned above,
you may want to offer visitors are free e-book on pets, just for
providing you with their name and email address. In most cases,
this approach works wonders. It is a known fact that everyone
loves free stuff, especially if it is something that they could

Now that you know exactly what squeeze pages are or what they
can be considered, you may be wondering exactly why you should
have one. As previously mentioned, internet users provide you
with their names and email addresses on squeeze pages.  Sending
unsolicited emails can be considered spam and you may also be
reprimanded by your web hosting company, your email provider, or
even your affiliate programs.  When an internet user actually
provides you with their contact information, your email contact
is no longer considered spam. In fact, you can send emails or
newsletters to the individuals in question, as often as you
would like. This is when you could then take the opportunity to
promote the affiliate products that you are helping to sell.

Developing a squeeze page is relatively easy to do, especially
if you have some web design experience.  If you are unfamiliar
with web design, you should still be able to create your own
squeeze page, with assistance from a site building program or a
professional web designer.  If you would like to be able to
promote your websites and your affiliate products as often as
you would like, you are urged to create yourself a squeeze page

To your success,
alaska padaco

P.S. A squeeze page can take only a few minutes to set up, but
you may be reaping the benefits for years to come.

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