Electronic media fall among the fastest growing information sources in the 21st century. Today, we all agree that researching information in real books always seems outdated and time-consuming. Owing to this, most researchers and readers have opted to use online materials as with only a press of a button you have all the information and data you need. For this reason, authors and writers should quickly adapt to the use of digital publishing for their information so as to remain relevant and accessible.

Choosing an experienced and qualified firm for your data digitization is sagacious. Founded in 2006, Pressmart Media Ltd is a global digital publishing company that offers all online publishing and digitization services. Our services include digitization of materials such as newspapers, journals, books brochures, other reading materials.

Why should you pick Pressmart Media Ltd for your document digitization?

Distribution services

At Pressmart Media Ltd we have experience and are familiar with all digital distribution channels. Therefore, by opting for our services, your documents gain exposure to new channels such as mobile phone app, E-reader, web, podcast, and email subscription.

Cheaper but with wider audience

For schools, reading institutions, and organizations the cost of publishing reading materials in traditional method is an expensive exercise to meet the demand. Pressmart Media Ltd helps you with the digital publishing printing of modules, tests, and brochures increasing flexibility and accessibility to myriad students and staff.

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