If you see error code 0142 in your dell laptop, actually it means the hard drive of your laptop is failed that need to repair diagnostic tools. Essentially, when your laptop unable to detect the storage, hard drive crash and data saved into your system hard disk would not be located. The simplest way to resolve this problem is to take dell laptop technical support provided by online certified technicians who will diagnose the issue in a better way and resolve this problem.  However, if you do not want to get such type of services, you can try the steps given below:-


Install Windows Disk on Your Laptop;-

When error code shows into your system and get install disk of windows XP or vista or seven, either one of them and attempt to boot your laptop with that. Even though, to boot your windows CD or DVD the BIOS settings must be configured suitably. And when you inserted windows DVD/CD into your system restart the computer and hold/press to start your laptop via Dvd/CD that will assist you to recover your hard drive data. If you do not know this step, you should call at Dell laptop tech support phone number 1-877-217-7933 for quick support.


Now choose any option that is very essential to start the system directly via CD/DVD drive. When you watch screen displaying welcome to setup, press “R” to begin the recovery console. If you get the choice of multiple boot or dual boot system, you should click on installation that you wish to access via recovery console. Now, you should type password of and use command.


Finish The Setup with last procedure given below:-

If you are unable to begin your system in that mode, you must try in safe mode and restart your laptop to separate in XP or vista to scan your system. Now, you can use scan and repair, again but this time fix MBR and press enter to finish the scan and restart your laptop. However, if hard disk damaged badly, you will get dell laptop tech support services instantly.

Take technical assistance of Technicians-

In spite of all these possible efforts, if you are facing any technical error yet now, you can take quick assistance from certified professionals, who can fix any error completely. Online technicians will provide quick tech support and configure apps in the right manner with immediate results. If you are experiencing any error, you can call at dell laptop technical support number for instant help.

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