A pair of Mixed Reality controllers, huge upcoming update for Windows 10 and many other exciting facts was provided to us at build 2017 but it does not talk about Windows 10 mobile is the only error. The best smartphone app was launched by Microsoft, even when no smartphone platform present for it.   

Windows Story Remix reminds you of various mobile apps though for Windows 10, it may be the keystone of the Fall Creators Update. The app’s basic function is to stitch one’s images and videos together into short videos automatically by pulling all of them together that are stored either on Windows 10 device or OneDrive.  

Other apps including Facebook Moments, Apple Clips, the HTC One M7 ’s Zoe, etc can also be seen with this feature.

Video clips are transformed into short music videos by Strum. However, Cluster app show well collaboration. The impressive achievement of Microsoft is that it has compressed all of the story remix functionality into a single app, proving wrong the gossips that the company is not making any new or better upcoming using its Story Remix.

According to the history of Redmond Company, there is no need to tag another image of one’s friends and family. By simply clicking on another person to be their star, the users can alter the focus of the video easily on stage under the illustration of software maker.  

Anyone can create mixed reality media using the provided ability that allows taking and placing Remix 3D fundamental objects into one’s video clips. In comparison to the text and image covering we have seen in the video editing apps till now, the more exciting is to add special effects and digital avatars to regular video.

Windows users can experience the app only on the Windows 10 device that also after the arrival of Fall Creators Update. Despite the fact that some users can upload images to OneDrive, majority of them have to store their media on that particular device with which they had captured it.

However, Microsoft has not mentioned the apps availability on Windows 10 Mobile but being Universal Windows Platform compliant, it must be compatible. On the other hand, the app might come with Android and iOS is told by Microsoft.      

Although the Microsoft clearly explained about its fundamental shift, to make excellent apps experience across devices yet its completion with Windows 10 Mobile is never officially stated.

Microsoft now focus on giving priority to our Android phone or iOS customers, by providing the consumers with the delivery of continuous experiences at their present location itself and providing the advantages of Windows across platforms as well, explained by a Microsoft spokesperson.   

Microsoft is providing an exclusive set of apps including some features such as Translator and Flow Keyboard along with the Al-driven apps such as Pix and Selfie for other platforms.

Microsoft is missing the release of Windows 10 mobile latest edition which seems a great opportunity for it. Though, its mind share building is a great fact. No doubt that to make its desire for mobile a truth, Microsoft has to deal with obstacles such as obtaining other apps onto the Windows Store and building a standout smartphone.

Lena Smith is the author of this article. She is a confident technical and professional writer and writes articles on various technical topics that prove to be attractive as well as useful for the readers. She has been working for our website and has written on topics such as Windows 10 support, Outlook Support, etc. 

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