Snapchat is been facing a backslash as its CEO said that, “He don't want to expand his application into poor countries like India and Spain”. Apart from this he also raised the concerns about the usage of snapchat in India and Spain. Snapchat is now falling down in

The CEO of Snapchat forgot that ,India is a rich and developing country. Snapchat you are not worth for it that your application should be used by the users in India. The CEO of snapchat does not know that “Indians are not poor but they have bigger hearts than you”. Snapchat does not deserve to install or use their application especially by Indian users as they put a bad comment on India.

The range of anger of Indians have now crossed a limit having just one thing in their mind- ‘#boycott Snapchat’ so as to rail against the application. Users have rated a one start application to snapchat with bad reviews. One of the review for snapchat is, “Just installed the app so that i can tell you the power of poor Indians. I wasted my data just to give rating. Now removing it from my phone now and forever”

See what our Top Businessman and Cricketer says-

Mukesh Ambani’s  tweet on Snapchat, “Dear Snapchat CEO @ Evan Your net worth in 4 billion and mine is 30 billion, I can purchase your fuddu App 7 times, Now who is poor? Aukat ”
Our Indian Cricketer Virendra Sehwag tweet, “At the rate at which Snapchat CEO is being slapped by us Indians, he will have to change the app's name to Slapchat ”

Snapchat Inc called the allegation, “ridiculous”. Now, Snapchat will be facing a serious hate in India because of the abuse comment on the Indians.
Indians lets now show that we are not poor so give a one star rating to this application and let him know where he stands now if your application is not been used by India. Let everyone know the difference and also let everyone know what happens when anyone challenges India.

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