Making a leisure time activity or a passion into a full time profession is certainly a dream job for everyone. Android games development could be named one of such dream jobs. The Android game developers strive to bring out the best of ideas and build a remarkable gaming arena. There are numerous categories classified as per the type, age groups, payment mode etc. A majority of crowd is always attracted towards the free games available on the Play Store. The rising market for Android and the latest advancements in technology has increased the opportunities of Android Game market even more. Also, the game avid as well as the developers have a options of 2D or 3D platform as well. Plus, there is also an extensive range of genres to select from like simple, strategy, arcades, sports, racing, board games, etc.

When android platform for the game is finalized, there are three main aspects that a developer needs to consider. These are-

Character Modeling for 3D Games

Android app development company

The characters build for 3D should possess unique character distinction. The character needs to have specific features such as facial expressions, exclusive costume designs, signature style, etc. All these attributes gives an identity to the designed character in the game.

Screen Size

The screen size is another aspects which has a crucial role and holds an essential success rate factor. While building a Smartphone game, a developer needs to remember size restriction, which varies from a device to device. By improving the suitable scale proportions in the app with the right coding process, it helps in giving it popularity.

Better Game Appearance

The riveting effects can be enhanced with its overall look. The ultimate appearance offers feel and build the success.

Another crucial aspects that an android game developer should keep in consideration are-

Game Scenario

The overall feel is enhanced by the scenario and the developer should give utmost importance to this part. Apart from this, the terrain optimization and landscape features should also be given equal importance like characters.

Game Programming

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The prerequisite of an exceptional user-interface and challenging levels should also be there. Focusing on these details will help in making it as a commercial hit.


Most importantly, the rankings of each game reflects its success rate. It will be displayed on the Play Store's pages as per its ranking. If the gamers will not be catered with specific interest factor, it might affect its reviews and also its success rate.

If you also have a requirement of android game development, AppSquadz Technologies is a well known and experienced android game app development company which you can hire for your project.

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