Welcome back Apsense Friends

We discussed the growing of a Walnut Orchard in a past Blog Post.

Orchards are long term investment ptopositions and require Investenr Capital over a long period before any Profit is seen.

A good Network takes Time and Capital to grow to it's potential also, but most need continued CASH FLOW to stay in the Game.

Most farmers plant Short Term Crops to give them profit and more Operating Capital to enjoy the Future of the Big Picture.

In Network Marketing we plant our Short Term Crops through Funded Proposals...

Advertisements that provide needed Tools & Systems to all seeking the Long term Goal, and more importantly provide them with the Opportunity for Immediate cash Flow.

For an example of very rewarding Funded proposals,
and click on the product on the right and don't forget to take advantage of all the Freebies on the Top Nav Bar

Also Apsense friends, visit FREE LEADS and enjoy learning and earning while building your Network.

Chuck & Shirley

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