When you hear no...what does that mean to you?

Posted by Mike G.
May 10, 2014
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Comments (11)
Mike G.


Shay Mealing, as Warren said "it means they do not Know enough to say yes." Now one can take as that person is too stupid to not Know a good thing or they can ask themselves what could I have done different to explain it better.

You are selling to them. You are taking up their time with your presentation and asking for their money if you product or service is that good you wouldn't have to do anything but collect money. Walmart, Facebook, Mccdonalds, Twitter, Pinterest works hard to CONVINCE

Mar 25, 2014 Like it
Tom A.

Internet Marketer

Yes, Warren, I do also agree with that 100%.. there are none so blind as those who will not see.

Mar 24, 2014 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

Tom, that's the old, "It's all in the numbers" mentality and follows the, "Some will, some won't, next" mentality, but I would rather lean toward everyone will, if they know enough myself.

Mar 24, 2014 1 Like Like it
Tom A.

Internet Marketer

No brings us one step closer to a YES.

Mar 24, 2014 Like it
Mike G.


Warren, you said it much better than I did...and that is what I was trying to get through that the no person can move on freely about their day but we have to figure out how to get a yes at some point...A better presentation or a way to get the prospect to learn what is offered can only help you and the prospective buyer. Thanks again Warren!

Mar 24, 2014 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

When someone says No, it means they do not Know enough to say yes.

Mar 24, 2014 Like it
Mike G.


Patricia Stevenson, LOL...we can't hype it up too much though...if one hears the word no 100 out of 100 times means that person didn't get paid. After about a month of going through that something needs to change and it's not the people who are saying no. Thanks.

Mar 24, 2014 Like it
Patricia Stevenson

Online Entrepreneur

If you been in any type of online, affiliate, or network marketing business. Then you know that the word NO is not a reflecting of you. Especially if you done your best. Once you hear that word NO. That is when you should get excited. Because the word NO means your closer to hearing the word YES!!!

Mar 24, 2014 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Shay Mealing, to me "no" is an exciting word! It means that I have failed by 1% (measuring 100 people). I have been doing this since the late 90's and have made a lot of money but have yet to get 100%...it's what drives me. It is a reflection of me not them, in my opinion. I should explain better or know what they really want better.

The more I research the more my conversions go up! So I know who I am selling to...I know what time they get up in the morning and what kind of cereal they eat in

Mar 23, 2014 Like it
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