What is your marketing strategy?

Posted by Mike G.
Oct 8, 2014
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Vps Malhotra

Free Lancer

to target on the mich customers in usa ...could we be in contact at apsense ?

Feb 3, 2014 Like it
Mike G.


Rickey, I learned how to use computers in '89 by a retired Army guy. I later started my own security company in '92. In '99 I began internet marketing to help my nephew stay our of trouble he became a millionaire before he was 20 years old. I trusted him with my security business after fully training him and he double crossed me and sold my business which I sued and now a minority owner of one of the largest security companies in the US.

I stay out of the "lime light" because the way I deal wit

Oct 27, 2013 Like it
Rickey Neal

Entrepreneur Leader

Mike,Listen i retired from Army after 22yrs and i worked for a telemarketing company for about 6yrs after the Military.The conclusion you is still a numbers game.I learned that a longtime ago.And PRAYER and taking action to produce because if you do not produce no telemarketing company is not going to let you work for their company without producing people to buy.Always put GOD First and everything will come together just right.Although somethings are not for people.You see some people can be a

Oct 27, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Rickey, I am coming to the conclusion that things aren't a scam people are...I found one thing that has worked for me over the years that I recently wrote an article about which helped me...to simply break it down do for others as you would yourself and things will flow...now you can't take in everybody only those who are on the same path as you.

Oct 27, 2013 Like it
Rickey Neal

Entrepreneur Leader

Actually Traffic and Convert is the main Key to SUCCESS.If people do not buy there's no SUCCESS.It's a numbers game because some people will not join your home base business for whatever reasons.Some people are leaders and most people are followers by being satisfied working for other people.That's the simple common sense fact and you mainly have to be in the right place to find the right people because people are trying to get you to join their home base business and MLM's.Too many people are j

Oct 27, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Terry, I agree that there is an overwhelming source of info out there but most of it is just recirculated stuff....so what I concentrate on is what Google, Amazon and few other giants are doing. If a company isn't doing a billion dollars in sales or on a record pace monthly in sales it's chatter to me.

I don't care about being a billionaire but I want my company to be on elite status...so I only keep up with the sharks. Google controls organic traffic, social media brings me everything else so

Oct 27, 2013 Like it
Floyd F.

Spiritual-Religious-IM- Consultant

Top 5 (Visit My Site For More Tips...) Advertising Tips To Have Peace And Security In Your Internet Information Marketing Life!

1. Who doesn’t like a discount? I know I do and your customers will too! Give them an overall total order discount to increase your sales. For instance you might want to give a discount for spending a particular dollar amount. “Spend $250 and receive and automatic 20% discount off your total order!”

Another, sort of version of this, is “buy two and get one fre

Oct 26, 2013 Like it
Jason Descheneaux

Follow Me I Follow Back!

Build Traffic, the more the better. Traffic is the key to success :)

Oct 26, 2013 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

Warren has shown me a lot. One thing that I look for is originality and thinking outside the box. If you are using a Company Sponsored page, then it will look like everyone else with a different name in the window. I quit paying money for monthly subscriptions, got my own web site, and then started using domains and forwarding with masking.

My problem has been being overwhelmed with too much information and having to constantly re-focused on my goal of Networking.

Oct 26, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Terry, that's a cool share just learned something I didn't thing Traffic Exchanges still worked...so thanks. I like forums because everyone on that particular forum is focused on the one topic and seeking more info...pumping a forum with solid info really helps me and there are endless forums to be apart of...Thanks Terry.

Oct 26, 2013 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

I write my own an post on Safelists and Traffic Exchanges. Also, talking to my target market and let all the other things pass by.

Oct 26, 2013 Like it
John Gatto


Well I talk to people ..has worked since the of beginning of time sure others work but I like build relationships

Oct 19, 2013 1 Like Like it
Chukwuekwu Okonta

Forensic accountant

@academy, good to hear that, thanks,

Oct 19, 2013 1 Like Like it
Academy Botany

Corporate accommodation at botany downs

for me advertisement has worked....

Oct 19, 2013 Like it
Chukwuekwu Okonta

Forensic accountant

@mike G, which program you ask pulak to put $300? The link is hidden by apsense,

by the way, i like people to see my business, view it, read it contents, see the benefits, whether you buy or not, i know some will bookmark site to come back later,

i also do site recommendation, i will recommend my site to my friends, and ask my friends to recommend to your frends, that is all.

Oct 16, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Pulak, if I told you to go to h*ll then put $300 in your account would you care?

Oct 14, 2013 1 Like Like it
Pulak B.


Establishing a Trustworthy service provider image to your customer/visitor or potential. Never misguide your customer with any wrong content.

Oct 14, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Mohammed, thanks for a great share.

Oct 13, 2013 Like it
Mohammed Ashfaq

eMarketer Graphics Designer

Relationship is the best for marking strategy.

Oct 13, 2013 2 Likes Like it
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