
What is the correct way of spelling stationery?

Asked by VPP VINACOM, in Education
"Stationery" is one of two words with the same pronunciation, but different spellings and meanings. "Stationery" means writing paper and envelopes; "stationary" means not moving.

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Wollondilly Carpetcleaning Junior  Wollondilly Carpet Cleaning
Stationery,” with an E, is paper, usually paper that you use for writing letters or notes, and “stationery” is spelled with an E because it goes back to the stationers, the people who ran the shops.
Dec 6th 2019 04:00   
Nathan William Innovator  Nathan William work at
You can use spell checker tool check the spelling of your assignment or write-ups.
Jan 20th 2020 03:53   
Avigo Flights Advanced  Chicago to Mumbai Flights
Stationery,” with an E, is paper, usually paper that you use for writing letters or notes, and “stationery” is spelled with an E because it goes back to the stationers, the people who ran the shops.
Mar 13th 2020 06:43   
BHS Mukundapur Team Innovator  Best CBSE School in Kolkata
You can use spell checker tool check the spelling of your assignment or write-ups.
Feb 19th 2021 07:48   
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