
What is Telematics? An Introduction to Smart Vehicle Tracking?

Asked by Nitesh Goel, in Software
The term telematics comes from the amalgamation of ‘telecommunications’ and ‘informatics’. The former means an exchange of information over a distance through technology while the latter means gathering and analyzing data to solve real-world problems.

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Jesus Dover Freshman  Public Liability Insurance
Put simply, telematics systems like EROAD's fleet management platform, merges telecommunications and information technology, or infomatics, together to gather a wide range of data about an individual vehicle or entire fleet.
Jan 25th 2023 01:37   
Vijay K. Senior  Web Marketing
Accroding to P&S Intelligence, the global automotive telematics market valued at $27.7 billion in 2019, which is projected to reach $149.9 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 16.6% during 2020-2030.
Feb 1st 2023 00:12   
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