
What is keyword stemming ?

Asked by Liz Seyi, in Technology

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Jack Bauer Junior  Digital Marketer
Keyword stemming refers to Google's ability to understand different word forms of a specific search query
Dec 24th 2020 05:48   
Abdul Kadir Junior  Ph.D. (Pursuing), IIT Roorkee
Stemming or keyword stemming refers to Google’s ability to understand different word forms of a specific search query. It’s called stemming because it comes from the word stem, base or root form.
Dec 24th 2020 06:07   
Misti Joshi Advanced  Top Digital Marketing Agencies Singapore
Catchphrase stemming alludes to Google's capacity to comprehend distinctive word types of a particular inquiry question
Dec 25th 2020 22:35   
David Hude Innovator  Writer
keyword stemming is the a search query of user which is understand by google. such as "buy shoe".
Dec 26th 2020 01:08   
Tamal Das Freshman  Professional Writer
It refers to the ability of Google to understand the base form of a word used in a query. No matter which forms of the word you use in your query, it can comprehend the original word. For example, the word "Write" is the base form, whereas, "wrote," "written," "writing," are some variants of the base form.
Jan 19th 2021 10:10   
Irraga Ora Freshman  Get first choice tech support service near you
Keyword streaming means that analyzing the relevant keywords and opting for the simplest keyword for the website supported its target, so as to induce organic traffics and leads through the keywords.
Feb 1st 2021 06:18   
Souporno Ghosh Senior  Student
keyword stemming is the a search query of user which is understand by google.
Feb 4th 2021 01:09   
Liz Seyi Magnate I  Digital marketing manager
Thanks to all...............
Feb 4th 2021 22:23   
Riley Brooks Freshman  Hello friends, I am Riley Brooks living USA.
Stemming or keyword stemming refers to Google’s ability to understand different word forms of a specific search query. It’s called stemming because it comes from the word stem, base or root form.
Feb 13th 2021 06:06   
Compliance Quest Advanced  EQMS, EHS, Compliance Management Software System
Keyword stemming is Google's ability to understand different word forms of a specific search query.
Feb 15th 2021 03:18   
Keyword research is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy, and like website analytics, it will always be important.
Feb 15th 2021 04:06   
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