
What is export and import?

Asked by Marketing Trends, in Travel

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Imports are the goods and services that are purchased from the rest of the world by a country's residents, rather than buying domestically produced items while Exports are goods and services that are produced domestically, but then sold to customers residing in other countries.
Jan 13th 2021 20:02   
Emily Peterson Freshman  I am a local business adviser based in Frisco Texa
Imports are the goods and services that are purchased from the rest of the world by a country's residents, rather than buying domestically produced items. ... Exports are goods and services that are produced domestically, but then sold to customers residing in other countries.
Jan 20th 2021 06:55   
Mas8 Sg Advanced  Digital Marketing
hello your posts are owesome
Feb 11th 2021 23:45   
Devin G. Innovator  Get information about US airllnes and updated with
Import means getting any good from the outside of your countries geographical location
and export means selling good to the outside of your countries geographical location...
Apr 7th 2021 01:23   
Spirit Air Fly Junior  Spirit Airlines Flights | Reservations at Official
Imports are the goods and services that are purchased from the rest of the world by a country's residents, rather than buying domestically produced items.
Apr 30th 2021 23:13   
The difference between an import and an export is related to the direction of the goods and the nature of the business transaction. ... An import is the opposite of an export, since when a company exports goods, it sells them to customers established abroad.
May 13th 2021 02:54   
Jhon D. Innovator  Travel & technology information
Exporting and Importing Exporting is the act of producing goods or services in one country and selling or trading them to another country.
Jul 21st 2021 06:16   
Brightlink Cables Freshman  brightlinkcables
Exporting is defined as the sale of products and services in foreign countries that are sourced or made in the home country. Importing is the flipside of exporting. Importing refers to buying goods and services from foreign sources and bringing them back into the home country.
Jul 26th 2021 09:41   
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