
What are the common Pests Found in homes and how to deal with them?

Asked by Calixto C., in Others

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Jonathan Asare Freshman  Affiliate Marketer and Sales Specialist
dogs and cat. i really love taking my dog out for a walk
May 28th 2023 02:16   
Moses S. Freshman  web Designer
There are many different types of pests that can be found in homes. Some of the most common include:

Ants: Ants are attracted to food and water, and they can quickly become a nuisance. They can also be a health hazard, as they can carry bacteria and other pathogens.
Cockroaches: Cockroaches are also attracted to food and water, and they can be a major health hazard. They can carry a variety of diseases, including salmonella, typhoid, and dysentery.
Mice: Mice are attracted to food and shelter, and they can cause damage to property. They can also carry diseases, such as hantavirus and leptospirosis.
Rats: Rats are similar to mice, but they are larger and more destructive. They can also carry a wider range of diseases, including rabies, plague, and tetanus.
Bed bugs: Bed bugs are small insects that feed on blood. They can be found in beds, furniture, and other places where people sleep. They can cause a great deal of itching and discomfort, and they can also be a health hazard, as they can transmit diseases such as Chagas disease and relapsing fever.
Jun 1st 2023 00:31   
Zhi shang Advanced  Metallic material
Mosquitoes belong to the class Insect, diptera, mosquito family. The body size is small, generally no more than 1.5 cm. Mosquitoes go through four stages in their life: egg, larva, pupa and adult, and the first three stages are all completed growth in water. Mosquitoes cannot reproduce and grow without water. Therefore, the key to mosquito prevention and control is to reduce mosquito breeding sites, remove stagnant water and reduce the number of mosquitoes at the source.

Control method:

(1) Family "treatment" of water

Mosquito breeding sites are mainly small standing water or container water, including indoor and outdoor artificial and natural stagnant small water bodies. The most effective methods for mosquito control are:

For aquatic plants, change the water, wash the bottle, wash the roots, and dry the pot tray every 5-7 days.

If there are stone holes, tree holes and bamboo tubes near the courtyard, the water should be filled with lime sand as soon as possible. The bamboo tubes can be split by cross or sealed with cement.

They should clear garbage and keep free of disposable items, water cups, lunch boxes and other containers.

(2) Family mosquito control

Installing screens and doors can prevent mosquitoes from entering the room.

For children, the elderly and pregnant women, mosquito nets are more effective.

(3) Family mosquito control

For individual mosquitoes in the room, you can use an electric mosquito trap or a vacuum cleaner to eliminate parked mosquitoes.

Mosquito repellents (including liquid repellent) and aerosol can be used according to instructions to kill adult mosquitoes.

(4) Go out to prevent mosquitoes

During peak mosquito hours, avoid spending time outdoors in the shade, grass, or arbor.

To rest or do activities in parks, streets and activity places, it is better to wear long-sleeved and light-colored clothes to reduce the exposed area of the skin. The bare parts of the body should be covered with mosquito repellent to prevent mosquito bites.
Jun 2nd 2023 04:44   
Arthur A. Junior  Programmer
Dogs: normally known as man's nest friend.. all you need do is to train it.. and be aware, some dogs are virtually and naturally difficult to train, and wicked, so training might come in hard.. so, just get a nice breed and train it..
Jun 3rd 2023 02:27   
Krishna Namata Advanced  Truck dispatcher training
Dogs: normally known as man's nest friend.. all you need do is to train it.. and be aware, some dogs are virtually and naturally difficult to train, and wicked, so training might come in hard.. so, just get a nice breed and train it..
Jun 3rd 2023 14:09   
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