What are some of your secrets to investing?

Posted by Mike G.
Sep 12, 2013
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Comments (8)
Thomas H.

Internet Marketing

Buy Silver and Gold but more Silver the price of Silver is gonna go up significant the next years to come.

Sep 12, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

Trust me I knew ya where driving which is why I went into more detail on some of the questions - mmmmmm: she is 10 steps ahead...

Slow it down for me,,,,Oh Mike I am laffing so......and thanking ya for being YOU......You're smart honey.

Aug 1, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Van, you still don't know that you have pulled over and I've been driving for the last few questions...huh, I thought you knew (mental note: she is not always three steps ahead).

OK, for the first time ever I will slow this down for you, the purpose is not only here but to stage something for outside of here. Your clients is out there by the boat loads I just needed the info. This will take time a few months and you better be good but it will happen whether you cuss me out or not!

Aug 1, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

LOL Mike,,,,,,ok then the road rage is out in the open LOL

Mike I have a number of clients who I have been working alongside for several years and who have been highly profitable. Please also know that I personally do not trade my clients funds as I have no interest or desire to do that but instead rather tutor and guide them based on my experience which I have had first hand.

Aug 1, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


First of all the frog thing was a secret...LOL.

Now, thanks for the fantastic share and I now have all the info I need but I have just one more question...have you worked with someone six months or longer and he or she made a profit?

Aug 1, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

@Mike - LOL - hot air....when I hear of frog's on a stick yes....LOL

Each broker varies but I will speak about my relationship being an introducing broker for CM Trading.
Minimum investment is $250
I am a short term trader, so one good investment to hold on to I cannot answer - my holding onto can be in a trade for 2 - 3 weeks because it is flat and this does not tickle my fancy as it is money that I could of utilized elsewhere on the market and turned around to gain profit, so personally 5 day

Aug 1, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


OK, lets take this a bit deeper to see if the smart lady is full of hot air sorta speak.

How much money do I need to start?
Name one good investment to hold on to (I know that in may have ups and downs)?
Who do I invest with or where can I go and do practice runs?
What's the most have you ever made roughly?

Aug 1, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

My secrets to investing would be to plan the trade and trade the plan. Always remember, ya would rather be standing on the side watching than in a trade that ya would never of wanted to be in, so do not chase for the sake of the rush of just being in a trade. That is for cowboys. Have a strategy and stick to it and do not follow the herd, follow ya plan. Do not be greedy, and discipline ya self extensively on this. Learn to accept that their will be losing trades and do not get emotional abou

Aug 1, 2013 Like it
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