
Is it love, attachment or loneliness that people feel when they meet someone before marriage?

Asked by INDRAJEET SINGH CHAUHAN, in Home & Family
plz tell me

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Alice Johnn Advanced  Speak Directly to the Audience You
Hey bette here, living in USA. And I start working as content writer, you can read my blog and suggest me on which topic I should write more over these sites.
Mar 24th 2021 09:49   
Mikel Clarkk Freshman  Guest Poster
I think we should meet after marriage. Because that feelings are awesome. That can't explain in worda
Mar 24th 2021 13:27   
Successsystem NetworkINTERNET Senior   Get started Today
love to the fulfillment of whole and healthy relationships... ›
Mar 25th 2021 04:20   
Ente G. Senior  LED lighting for sale
But you don't have to be a relationship expert to know when ... Talk to someone who has experienced one and they'll tell you it's worse
Mar 26th 2021 02:21   
Mit K. Committed  SEO
The factors that keep people liking and loving each other in long-term relationships are at least in part the same as the factors that lead to initial attraction. For instance, regardless of how long they have been together, people remain interested in the physical attractiveness of their partners, although it is relatively less important than for initial encounters.
Mar 30th 2021 06:02   
DHC Việt Official Advanced  lam dep
Sự chung thủy là lựa chọn chứ không phải là kết quả của công cuộc giữ chồng, người yêu của phụ nữ. Nếu bạn lựa chọn mối quan hệ ngoài luồng thì không được phép ý kiến khi người còn lại cũng làm như vậy
Apr 14th 2021 03:35   
Dr Don Yates Sr PhD Magnate III Premium   Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
I believe we would like it to be love and caring, but I have seen too many arranged marriages, child brides, even sales. Love and caring is my choice in a marriage, but expect change throughout the marraige
Jul 8th 2021 00:14   
vinay k. Professional   AFFILATE MARKETING. SEO
The factors that keep people liking and loving each other in long-term relationships are at least in part the same as the factors that lead to initial attraction. For instance, regardless of how long they have been together, people remain interested in the physical attractiveness of their partners, although it is relatively less important than for initial encounters.
Jul 10th 2021 02:49   
Angel R. Magnate II   Perpetual Student in Digital Nomad
The sun at home warms better than the sun elsewhere.

A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.
There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.

Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends and family belong, and laughter never ends
Jun 27th 2022 04:56   
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