
How to reduce page load time and speed up the website?

Asked by Jaydeep P., in Marketing
With the launch of Google’s AMP project, the debate over web page loading time seems to have acquired a new ground altogether. Everyone seems to be in a maddening frenzy to optimize their site and reduce page load time.

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Rony Neogi Advanced  SEO Analyst
Enable compression.
Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
Reduce redirects.
Remove render-blocking JavaScript
Leverage browser caching
Improve server response time
Use a content distribution network
Optimize images
Sep 6th 2019 00:31   
Jezz Johar Advanced  eCommerce Executive
Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
Reduce redirects.
Remove render-blocking JavaScript
Leverage browser caching
Improve server response time
Sep 6th 2019 06:24   
Olayinka Oyelami Magnate I   About Me
To reduce page load time and speed up the website use more of texts than graphics.
Sep 6th 2019 15:22   
Rony Neogi Advanced  SEO Analyst
need to optimize the web pages properly, also need to optimize the images and videos in the pages, need to reduce the size of the pages or you need a hosting like Cloudflare or AWS for your website
Sep 9th 2019 00:27   
Amod Nazirkar Innovator  Search Engine Optimization Analyst
You Can perform a Website Audit in tools like SEMRUSH and check current Bandwidth using factors by using Google Page Speed Insights.

Just Enter the URL of Website and Test it
Google Page Speed Insights will give you a List of recommended Desktop and Mobile Optimizations.
For SEMRUSH You need to Register an Account.

Some Common Optimizations you should Consider:
Minify CSS
Minify Javascript Files
Properly size images
Compress Images using Online Tools such as tinypng, Imageoptimizer, imagecompressor etc.
Consider building an AMP Website for Mobile.
Use Bootstrap, CSS3 and HTML 5 frameworks for building Website.
Combine Multiple CSS Files into One Main CSS File and Minify it.
Levarage Browser Caching.
Minify HTML.
Enable gzip Compression.
Remove Unused CSS and Minify it, Do not use Internal and Inline Css.
Sep 9th 2019 04:42   
Priyanka J. Advanced   Ecommerce Photography
Here are some of the many ways to increase your page speed:
1. Enable compression. ...
2. Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. ...
3. Reduce redirects. ...
4. Remove render-blocking JavaScript. ...
5. Leverage browser caching. ...
6. Improve server response time. ...
7. Use a content distribution network. ...
8. Optimize images.
Sep 9th 2019 05:47   
Jonh Abrahm Advanced  travel
To reduce page load time we have to compress js and CSS of the website.
Sep 17th 2019 01:46   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
Make sure you realize that this is not nearly as big a problem as it was a few years ago. With much faster bandwidths and home equipment that increases every year, many people don't even notice.
Oct 10th 2019 02:03   
Arena Paul Advanced  Fashion Blogger
1.Optimize Image Size and Format
2.Optimize Dependencies
3.Avoid Inline JS and CSS files
4.Optimize Caching
5.Avoid render blocking scripts
6.Avoid Redirects
7.Set up G-Zip Encoding
8.Reduce HTTP Requests
9.Minification of JavaScript and CSS
10.Reduce Cookie Size
Oct 22nd 2019 00:53   
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