Qnanza Q-Club

About Qnanza Q-Club

May 31st Richard Simpson
Ask yourself this question, What is
Getting up every day, doing what you need to do to achieve whatever your
goals may be.
Success may be the smallest things, simply choosing today to
get on top of the housework, and doing it, is success. It may be to buy another
property to add to your portfolio, to win a game of tennis, grow vegetables from
seed or it may be as simple as trying to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Success
is not how much money you have in the bank.
Success is achievable for
everyone, and it cannot be measured. Success makes you feel good.
What one person sees as a great success; another may find its not
successful at all. If we focus on our own goal setting and success, we would
discover that we are successful at so many things and in so many areasUltimate
personal success is in achieving the goals which we set for ourselves.
I challenge you to stop and take a minute, to think of a few personal
successes you have achieved, today, or the last week or over your lifetime. It
can be the smallest or largest success. But I guarantee, you will be
smiling.because of what YOU HAVE ACHEIVED! Heres to your
Richard Simpson
My Blog: http://PartnerWithRichardToday.com