This group is the public group. Your request will be auto-approved.

Infiny Global Network is a community where you can grow a constant income, because you have at your disposal a specially devised system to that effect.
By joining our
ommunity you can have several types of financial gain:
Your share in the system global turnover is divided among the members of this community. The payments are
due on a monthly basis.... month after month.... you can cash in what you contributed and become a partner
The reward for having recommended the Global Infini system consists of instant payments whenever a grid is completed.... daily.... or even several times a day.... It is up to you to decide.
Valuable savings that spare your pocket money whenever you purchase products offered by our business partners
You may be rewarded for recommending our partners to your friends, even if the latter will never become partners, but mere clients that are satisfied with what is offered.
Infini Global Network will consider both direct and unlimited level indirect recommendations.