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Almost everywhere I look on the internet today someone is advertising a way to make money. My question is who is making all of this money. Prices can range from $0.00 to much more. The sky seems to be the limit.  Do you want to make money on the internet. I certainly do and several times I have spent a large sum of money to find that the business went bust, the system being used just did not work for me or I just could not generate enough business to make any money.  
My question is what went wrong. For the most part nothing went right because I did not follow a set method to have success.
There are two basic rules for success. Time and work. Nothing comes free or automatically. There are a few times when I thought I hit pay dirt. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It will be my goal to see what works and does not and hopefully you the reader will be able to add your opinions too.