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Full 2010 Comic-Con Schedule ? Saturday, July 24th!Jul 12, 2010 - By Mali Elfman


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We brought you the full Thursday and Friday schedule for the first two day sof San Diego Comic-Con and below (sorry we?re a bit slow) we have the full schedule for Saturday July 24th complete with Universal?s big presentation of Cowboys and Aliens and Paul; Warner Brothers will be there with Green Lantern, Sucker Punch, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Overture will be showing us the first clips their upcoming horror remake Let Me In; Kevin Smith is back and ready to tear apart some nerds and talk about all his failures and we?re not even warmed up yet! Check out the full details below?

10:00-11:00 Spotlight on Carla Speed McNeil? Comic-Con special guest Carla Speed McNeil is best known for her creator-owned title Finder. A few years back, Carla took new stories of Finder to the Internet, and the result was an Eisner Award for best Webcomic of 2008 and a new series of reprints from Dark Horse. Carla talks about her work and what?s next in this Spotlight panel. Room 3
10:00-11:00 The Black Panel 2010? This year?s Black Panel will be one for the ages. The focus will be on empowerment, education, real-world networking, and finally but never last, fun. The panelists include entertainment attorney Darrel Miller, novelist Nnedi Okorafor, artist Denys Cowan, and writers/producers/directors Reggie Hudlin, Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., with moderator Michael Davis. Once they answer life?s burning questions, they?ll chill with a salute and Q&A from the audience with actor/writer/director Bill Duke. As always, surprise guests who will rock your world. Room 5ABCategories: Animation | Comics | Movies | Television | Writers & Writing
10:00-11:00 Nickelodeon Presents: The SpongeBob SquarePants Secret Formula Revealed!? Ever wonder what delicious ingredients go into making an episode of SpongeBob? The masterminds behind the show ? executive producer Paul Tibbitt (Nightmare Ned), head writer Steven Banks (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius), creative director Vincent Waller (Ren & Stimpy), supervising storyboard director Tuck Tucker (Hey Arnold!), layout supervisor Kenny Pittenger (CatDog), storyboard director Luke Brookshier (Kim Possible), background painter Andy Clark (Dexter?s Laboratory), animation director Andrew Overtoom (Family Guy), and the voice of SpongeBob himself, Tom Kenny ? show you how the kernel of an idea turns into a fully animated episode. Followed by an exclusive screening of a never-before-seen episode, plus Q&A with the crew. Moderated by Roland Poindexter, senior VP, animation for Nickelodeon. Room 6AView Group

Comic Book Sales are at a All time Low and The Latest Earth Wind and Fire Concert was a Bust!!!

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About Comic Book Sales are at a All time Low and The Latest Earth Wind and Fire Concert was a Bust!!!

I Think Actors and Writers That are Wrongfully Terminated by Marvel Comics Should Sue!

Created By Evangelist Rev. Dr. Beckles
Created Date: 2010-07-13 20:16
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About I Think Actors and Writers That are Wrongfully Terminated by Marvel Comics Should Sue!

Ed Norton's agent rips Marvel Studios for Hulk-sized snub on 'The Avengers'
By Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER
Monday, July 12th 2010, 8:33 AM

Marvel Comics; Gibson/UniversalEdward Norton won't be hulking out in 2012's 'The Avengers,' Marvel Studios said in a statement Friday.

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Hulk's a smash!
Do you think Edward Norton should play the Hulk in 'The Avengers'?

Yes, he's a good actor and it establishes a connection to the last film.

No, he obviously doesn't get what makes a Marvel film.

Bring back Eric Banna!

Leave the Hulk out of 'The Avengers'

Related News

Marvel won't bring back Ed Norton as The Incredible Hulk in 'The Avengers'
The biggest battle in the upcoming super hero flick "The Avengers" won't happen on screen.
Edward Norton's agent fired back at Marvel Studios two days after the studio's head unleashed a public announcement that the actor would not return as the Incredible Hulk for the 2012 movie.
"This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light," Brian Swardstrom said in a statement to Hitflix.com.
Feige publically announced through Hit Flix that Norton wasn't coming back in "The Avengers," the eagerly awaited movie that unites Marvel's biggest name super heroes - and the big name actors who play them.
Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Evans (Captain America), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and Scarlett Johansson (The Black Widow) are signed up.
Norton's replacemet will be the third actor to play the Hulk's human alter-ego, Dr. Bruce Banner, Eric Banna, who starred in director Ang Lee's 2003 version, "Hulk."
"Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members," Feige said in the statement. "The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts.
"We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks."
Swardstrom, however, disputes Marvel's version of the events, saying it was an abrupt decision by Marvel to end negotiations with Norton over his salary.
"Counter to what Kevin implies here, Edward was looking forward to the opportunity to work with [rumored director] Joss [Whedon] and the other actors in the Avengers cast, many of whom are personal friends of his," Swardstrom told Hit Flix. " Feige's statement is unprofessional, disingenuous and clearly defamatory. 
"Mr. Norton talent, tireless work ethic and professional integrity deserve more respect, and so do Marvel's fans."



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