This group is the public group. Your request will be auto-approved.

TrekPay is Paid to Clik 
a new model in Lauching on March 17, 2009. TrekPay has Advertisers that
serve ads to our clicks each day,  any difference between trekpay with PTC others, are:
1.  TrekPay provide award of points / credits for every activity we
do, starting from clicking on ads that give to invite friends to join
2.  Point / credits for a certain amount to the next can be obtained at the exchange / convert to $
3.  Member of require to click on ads on the Advertiser website appear to get 1 - 3  point / additional credits
4.  Payment system a week,  given the Tuesday to Thursday to the member request who has reached the minimum payout $ 5.50 through paypal

6. Member can get $ 50 a week if more active in Trekpay,  and could
get $ which more than 12.5%  of our commission Advertiser invite to
To sign up or learn more