Do you have what it takes to be successful?

About Do you have what it takes to be successful?

For some people success comes naturally and for others it seems to forever be an uphill battle.

I believe to be successful you need to have a successful mindset.

I have set up this group for likeminded people who are successful, are on the road to success and who want to know how to become successful.

This group is not for advertising your business opportunities as there is plenty of places here that you can advertise.

This group is to share inspirational tips, suggestions, quotes and information that has helped you reach your goals.

I will start with telling you what is working for me:

Firstly the movie 'The Secret' was the motivating factor that kicked my butt back into reality. If you have not seen it I highly recommend viewing it.

Once I realised I was in charge of my own destiny and that noone else was responsible for my current reality but me, then I started to change.

I created a business inspired by the movie 'The Secret' to help myself and others create their dream life. To do that I needed to start being grateful each day for all the wonderful things I had in my life. It is amazing when you stop to smell the roses how you really learn to appreciate how well you are actually doing.

So I designed a Gratitude Journal plus a Law of Attraction Workbook and I write in them every day. These books keep me focused on my goals and also helps me to appreciate what I have already achieved , and I am about to achieve in my life.

To be successful you have to know what you are passionate about. What it is in life that you want more than anything else in the world. Once you combine passion, determination and positive energy to something that you really want there is no stopping it becoming a reality. Trust me my world has gone from spiralling downwards and out of control to rising faster than a space shuttle launching into space within 6 mths.

So my tip to this group is. If you don't change your mindset from the current one you have then you will continue to find success a long road. That does not mean you will not be successful, but it will be a struggle.

Once I started to change from a poverty consciousness 'poor old me, it is everyones fault I am in this mess" type of person, to one that purely focuses on what I want and setting goals on how I am going to achieve it. My world changed forever.

I have created a very successful business within 6 mths, met someone purely by chance on the internet who asked me to create a workbook for one of the Teachers from the movie 'The Secret' John F Demartini (that was a big WOW). I won a share in 4 racehorses which have already won 3 races. I am just about to launch a journal for women diagnosed which breast cancer which will increase my business globally and my Network Marketing Business is just taking off.

Another tip that I have found works for me is to live as if you are already there. I found that this is a tip given by many of the successful mentors. I own a property in the most expensive suburb in Australia. It is not my dream home but it is a start. To be successful it helps to mix with successful people. Most of our friends live in Million Dollar homes. Most weekends I go realestate shopping in the million dollar homes creating the million dollar mindset of owning one within 12 mths. I have found the more you socialise with people you aspire to be, the quicker situations are attracted to you that will make that aspiration become a reality.

If you have a success story please let others know about it in this group to help them create their own success stories.

If you have motivational tools that you can recommend to help others achieve their goals, please tell us about them here. Feel free to leave links to motivational tools where people can download or purchase to enrich and teach them the skills to a millionaire mindset.

I hope to see many in this group. To your success.

If you want to visit my Business Centre within Apsense:

or I would love you to join my group below:

Great Inspiration Short Video from The Secret

Thea who is part of my group has a fantastic website with some great motivational tools have a look:

PS. The photo is overlooking the beach that I walk along every morning with my family. This is my little piece of paradise where I live in Sydney Australia.
