
About gratitude-rocks

What are you grateful for today?

If we attract more of what we focus on; imagine how much goodness we can bring to the world, to our lives and others around us, simply by concentrating on all of the things we could be grateful for.

Please check the website at; and if it fits in with your values and beliefs, please join us and add your own contribution/legacy to the wellbeing and positive vibrations around us all.

Remember; as you throw a pebble into a pond, all the little ripples affect everything around... AND... here's another exciting element... the ripples bounce back!!! (not necessarily from the source you expected)

Richard Wilkins says "what goes around, comes around... what have you got going around?"

So here is YOUR opportunity to start some fabulous thoughts going around...

This is a non-profit environment... there is nothing for sale anywhere... purely passing on positive vibrations...

Join us and enjoy!


Mike ;-)