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I am starting this group in the hope of spreading the good oil on a wonderful self help 'practice' called EFT that is getting remarkable results for people all over the planet. Although I personally have tried many and varied ways over a lifetime to heal my scars, nothing has ever come close to getting my desired results. Perhaps it will help you?

From Migraines to name it! The reports are being documented. So let me know how you get on and together, perhaps we can help others.

Unless you have been through such a traumatic experience like a plane crash or have gone off a cliff road in a car resulting in an inhibited lifestyle, you probably wouldn't have had to search for a miracle cure.
I did and I did!

But then if I said to you, that although these are pretty dramatic incidences that wouldn't help anybody's pysche in enjoying life, neither are 99% of other illnesses be it physical or pyschosomatic.

This stuff is so powerful, it often works when nothing else will!

Here is some great free stuff about EFT for you. Enjoy.

