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What is your dream today?

What do you want to accomplish in life?

There is a reason why you are where you are. Believe in yourself. This group is developed to help people who dream. The people called "dreamers". It will help you to discover your purpose while you are out there chasing donkeys. It s when you are out there chasing donkeys you will find your purpose. I have chased many donkeys but I never let that keep me from the dream. Be careful of the dream killers and the dream stealers. Peole think if they abandon you or sell you out they can kill your dream. Don't let no one try to stop you and try to destroy your dream. Dont let them. They will call call you "The dreamer". instead of telling you how they will help you to realize your dream or help to make it come true. It will take something bad to make something good come out of it. Today I want to challenge you to get a hold of the dream. Let nothing and no one seperate you from the dream. Be and stay steadfast. Remember the vision has to happen. You can not abort it. No matter what comes keep the dream alive. The magnitude of the dream is incredible! You are never to old dream. It is not to late to realize the dream. Are you ready and willing to do what is necessary to make the dream come true? Look at what you will go through before the dream comes to pass. It will not be without trial, tribulations and transgressions. Three things you need to do to posess the dream.

1. Keep the dream in front of you. Keep it alive. Meditate on it. Write it down and read it often. It will motivate you.

2. Stay faithful where you are. The dream is for an appointed time. It will come to pass and it will be on time.

3. Be at the right place at the right time and the dream will happen for you. Stay steadfast where you are. Don't give up. Dare to Dream Big in Business. Believe in Yourself!!!!

What do you believe in?? Your business...Tell us about it. .Join us and we will show the world why you dare to dream. Why you choose to dream big. Discover your why!!

To all those who dare to Dream Big. a dreaming and keep the dream alive.....No matter what obstacles come your way. Never give up! We Welcome All dreamers to come and join with us.

My Regards,

Sharolyn Thomas -Greene
Limu :Promoter