Shirley's Epilepsy Awareness Program

About Shirley's Epilepsy Awareness Program

Hi, Everyone!
My Name is Shirley Ruth Caron, I'm 59 Years Old and I reside on the South side of Indianapolis, Indiana(Greenwood), with my loving Husband, Mike. I am a Renowned Poet, Songwriter, Singer, Vice President of M and S Public Relations(Talent Promoter)and Chairperson of Two Non Profit Organizations, "Save Our Children" and "Shirley's Epilepsy Awareness Program." I am Originating this Group to get People to help me make everyone aware of the dreadful Killer, "Epilepsy!" I have Suffered with Epilepsy since I was 14 Years Old, and I definitely know what People that suffer with Epilepsy go through and the depression, stress and affects that People have from some of the Medications they take for Epilepsy. Please feel free to go to my Web Site: "Shirley's Epilepsy Awareness Program" at: and get an idea of what Epilepsy is all about. I give a lot of very essential Information on the Site. I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to sign my Guestbook. I would be honored if you would!!!! God Bless All Of You!!!! I am looking forward to you joining my Group and helping me fight the battle with this Disease and Killer and support me towards a worthy cause!!! Thank you for your time and consideration!!!!

Your Friend,
Shirley Ruth Caron