Web Conferencing and the Future of Online Malls

About Web Conferencing and the Future of Online Malls

Take Your online shopping or selling experience to the Next Level with

Web Conferencing

Many of the Apsense members are well aware of the value of relationship marketing on today's internet. With a plethora of social networking sites already on the net and more popping up every day, it has become the trend market of the 2007/2008 season. I wonder what is going to become flavour of the month next season?

Social networking can provide you with a means of creating relationships and consequently building your online business success. For most, the reality is far removed from what's possible. Why? because no matter how much you type, no matter how much you raise your profile in a networking site, there is STILL NO SUBSTITUTE for personal contact marketing. That may change as people lean further towards cocooning, but currently, my experience tells me, that is the reality.

We firmly believe that Web Conferencing takes your online marketing, your shopping, your online store, your online experience to the next level. Don't get me wrong. We love Apsense and what it has to offer. It's a great place for making contact, but you can't leave it at that and expect success to automatically follow.

Join our group and learn more about Web Conferencing and how you can benefit from your association with us.

If you want to contact me to discuss anything, you can

send me a PM here at Apsense or

Login to The World Conference Center and talk to me there. ID: MickPopp

Call me on Skype ID: mickpopp

VoIPCheap ID: mickpopp

Call our nearest office on

Australia on +61-7-3102-9558 Domestic call 07-3102-9558

UK +44-20-3287-1955 Domestic call 020-3287-1955

Mick Popp