Health (and fresh organic juice) is our passion and because of that passion we have spent the last decade of our lives diligently researching, studying, and learning about what it really takes to attain optimum health.  We believe that learning is an ongoing process, but we also feel that the knowledge we have acquired thus far is too exciting, life-changing and powerful to keep to ourselves. JuiceRx is our way of sharing our expertise and our passion for health and well-being with you…

We realize that you have a few different choices in choosing a nutritional cleanse.  So WHY JuiceRx?  For starters, our juices are live (unpasteurized), fresh, organic, vegan, and made with lots of love.  And they are the amazing result of collaboration between experienced chefs and top health experts to ensure maximum nutrition while delighting your taste buds.  Our main goal was not compromising on neither.  Several months of developing and testing our own in-house recipes have resulted in the creation of 14 awesome flavors, each with their own deliciously unique flavor profile. 

Each and every juice in our cleanse has been specially formulated to target specific organs in your body with the intention of detoxifying that particular organ and bringing it back to healthy, balanced and blissful state.  Each day of our cleanse includes a comprehensive array of six unique juices (which in combination target all of your major organs (and then some)).  Over the course of your 3, 5 or 6 day cleanse this translates to some very happy (and super healthy) organs inside and even outside (think skin) of your body.  Woohoo!  And best of all, in the process of providing your cells with maximum nutrition, we keep your taste buds (and waistline) happy with minimal sugar and calories. 


Angela Molina Advanced  SEO
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Sep 25th 2012 08:51   
Rosli Azis Advanced   Product development
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Sep 25th 2012 23:47   
Angela Molina Advanced  SEO
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Oct 6th 2012 08:21   
Yao magellan Kouakou Freshman  home business
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Oct 11th 2012 21:59   
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