A New Eco Friendly Tile from  husblog  Featuring Leather Tiles


With the rising trends in eco friendly tiles,  husblog   has been featured on CNN for their unique recycled material leather tiles with twelve sizes and eight colors to choose from for each size. Moreover, there are a variety of leather finishes to choose from. They have designed their tiles with EasyContact technology making it easy to install over drywall amongst other surfaces. They are great for residential flooring surfaces and I personally don’t believe that their swatch does justice to seeing the leather tiles in personal and the feel of these tiles are just amazing.


Their leather tiles are one-of-a-kind and stand out in any room setting.  husblog Leather Tiles Installation Instructions.


Eco Friendly Flooring and Tiles Trend for 2018


Eco Friendly Flooring and Tiles will be the newest trend in coverings for the tile industry in 2011. In the next several months, we’ll be focusing on working with top vendors providing environmentally friendly tiles to interior designers, contractors, landscape architects and do-it-yourself homeowners. We have started by offering Hakatai’s line of beautiful recycled glass mosaic tiles which come in both solid 1 x 1 inch mosaics and blends as well as textured glass mosaics. A completely different material is offered by husblog  , which manufactures recycled leather and hide tiles available in various colors and its applications range from bedroom floors to wall backsplashes. Natural stone tiles and pebble tiles are also considered eco friendly tiles offered by Solistone, who imports a wide variety of natural stone coverings.



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