Fildena Purple Pills is a medicine that is used to treat ineffectiveness in men, usually known as erectile dysfunction. It is also being putative by the US Food and Drug Management to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Sildenafil Citrate is the most effective component in this medication, and it has received some outstanding reviews from users all around the world. You will find a variety of Erectile Dysfunction treatments, as well as dissimilar types of medications for the treatment of a variety of other health difficulties. These and other medications may decrease the efficiency of Fildena purple viagra or interact with the Sildenafil, creating harmful reactions in the patient is body. Patients taking (or plan to take) Fildena 100 should prudently consider the medication they are already taking and disclose them to their physician to prescribe the suitable ED treatment. It will support in avoiding adverse responses that could demonstrate harmful to the patient. Directly call your doctor or reach nearby medical emergency center if you are distrusting the overdose symptoms like Excruciating erection for a long time, flushing, sleeplessness, etc.

Manifold doses at the same time can cause a lengthy throbbing erection for many hours or other side effects. Before you start taking Fildena tablet, see your doctor to discuss your medicinal history. Let your doctor recognize if you have high blood pressure, kidney injury, liver damage. Fildena Precuration are Avoid consumption of alcohol while using this drug as it may show effects like drowsiness. Before taking this medication user must always check the element present in the drug to ensure that they are not allergic to the ingredient used in the drug. Do not take more than one capsule in a day it may cause thoughtful health hazards, in that case consult emergency medical help. Avoid the use of grapefruit or grape fruit juice because it postponements the onset of action of the Fildena and also lower the blood pressure.



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