5 Tips to improve your customer’s experience


Here are 5 tips, which you can use in order to increase your sales and profits.


Here we go!


Tip 1: Put yourself in your customer’s shoes

Take a look at your business, offline and online, from your customer’s perspective. Go over everything, from their first contact with you, to the sale and the after sale. Then ask yourself if you’re inspired by the experience. If you are, find ways to make it even better and memorable. If you’re not, start building a customer experience action plan and get that plan into action as quickly as possible.


Tip 2: Get impartial help

Tip 1 can be difficult for a lot of business owners for a whole host of reasons. If this is the case with you, look for some outside help – a fresh pair of impartial eyes.


Tip 3: Respond fast

Remain extremely vigilant regarding what your customers are saying and doing. Respond quickly and appropriately to the good… and the bad. With the bad, don’t go into defence mode. Defence mode stops you from getting the full benefit of what the customer is saying. In many cases, this customer feedback is gold dust – either helping resolve a specific issue they have or helping you identify a more wide-spread problem.


Respond fast, both online and offline. Make good use of social media. There are no excuses for ignoring customer feedback. None.


Tip 4: Test everything

You need to test every element of your customer experience. This rages from their experience when visiting your premises (or website) to their experience of buying and using your products or services. Is the experience memorable? If not, it’s losing you money in numerous ways. Give your customers a positive story to share with their friends and that’s exactly what they will do!


Tip 5: Research your competition

Be aware of your competition but don’t get paralysis by analysis. The focus here should always be on what YOU do, however, in order to stand out, you need to know what you’re competing against. Be better than the competition, by offering a more memorable, move valuable and more enjoyable customer experience. This is the key to turning your customers into true fans!


Klikko aps   
gammel køge landevej 55   
0045 44 40 40 63




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