When you think schools just go to zamit. We got you all covered. 

From SEARCH, RATE and REVIEW of schools, co-curricular, tutors, coaching centres and teachers to school Admissions, everything is just a click away with zamit. You need not go anywhere for school and education-related news, as zamit news offers you curated education-related news. We understand parenting is a challenging job where you shoulder a lot of responsibility, from raising the children to ensuring the right school and education, behaviour analyses and a lot more, we cover all this in parenting tips. So, let us make you a future-ready parent, teacher, student and school. Join us and explore endless features that cover every aspect of school-world. 

Recently we have launched zamit Admissions, a single platform for your child’s admission. Let’s discuss how it is beneficial for parents-

Switch to zamit Admissions and get your child’s admission done in the best school, without having to visit all nearby schools. From the comfort of your home, and with the help of a digital device, visit zamit app or zamit website, create your child’s profile only once and apply to multiple schools at one go. Now, you don’t have to duplicate the documents every time you apply for school admission. Once you have applied to a school, next, you would get an email with the link to pay the admission fee. Don’t worry, rest assured in that case as well, as we provide you with a safe payment gateway and you would also get the receipt for the payment.  

You can easily check the status of admission applications on zamit. Furthermore, each admission application is assigned a unique code so that you don’t have to collect the print outs of all admission applications. 

Now, let’s talk about how it is beneficial for schools. Switch to zamit Admissions, and your school would be able to conduct hassle-free, quick and cost-effective school admissions in a future-ready way. Schools would be automatically sent the applications applied by parents/students. With the help of zamit admissions, schools can keep track of enquiries, applications, conversions etc. in real-time using this single platform. Schools can also directly get in touch with the parents through the in-app messaging system; therefore, schools can request for additional documents directly from parents. 

So, just switch to zamit and become future-ready.  


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