World AIDS day is celebrated on the 1st of December every year. It was the first ever global health day. But, why is this day important? What does this day symbolize? Why should you celebrate this day? This is why:


Statistics suggest that every year thousands of people are losing their battle against AIDS and millions are struggling to live with it. There is no cure yet but, antiretroviral drugs can extend the lifespan of the victims. Brilliant minds all over the world are working day in and day out to find the ultimate cure and the world is waiting with bated breath for that miraculous cure. But for now, only through creating awareness is it possible to minimize the loss of life and that of hope. That is why this single day is important. This day the people from all walks of life join hands in this fight against AIDS in clear public view so that the ignorant can shake off their judgmental stance and realize the truth about AIDS.


This day symbolizes opportunity, commitment, faith, respect, equality, love and kindness. This day represents light. If you are wondering how, I can give you a brief idea.


·         Opportunity: This is the day when every person who is AIDS aware has equal opportunity to spread awareness about this killer disease.


·         Commitment: This day is to make a commitment to self and the world we live in that we would do everything within our means to help eradicate this vicious disease.


·         Faith: A day when faith prevails over all. Faith in humanity, God’s grace and Science. No road is left untraveled.


·         Respect: This is a day to show respect towards the people who are living with AIDS, the people who are fighting against AIDS and the people who have lost their lives to AIDS.


·         Equality:  This day is the day to preach equality. Every human being has the right to live a fulfilling life without having to bear the brunt of unnecessary stigma.


·         Love: This is the day to spread love as much as awareness about AIDS. The victims are already going through a lot, there is no need to show disrespect and shower them with hateful stares. So, give a little love instead, you might make someone’s life a little bit easier.


·         Kindness: When you fall down, don’t you cherish the kind hand that pulls you back up and tells you everything is going to be okay? So does every victim of HIV/AIDS. A little kindness can save them from the downward spiral of depression and self deprecation.


This is too little time for too great a cause, still it is something. But, all the rallies, AIDS awareness camps and campaigns are not enough to eradicate AIDS. The ignorant people can be brought to light by demystifying the myths and mysteries about AIDS but, keeping the obstinate judgmental people in check is another story. For that, we need stringent laws to remove discrimination and Social stigma surrounding AIDS the disease and its victims.


It is time to take off our rose colored glasses and look at the world as it really is and the people as they really are. AIDS is a pandemic. Our future is at stake thanks to AIDS. People are suffering. There will be cure but, before that the world needs understanding and unity to battle the disease, not the victims. And we should celebrate this day with aplomb because only then can we reach the AIDS free days beckoning us, one World AIDS day at a time.




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