Did you know...
nearly $150 BILLION is spent on Internet advertising each year
- a global network of organizations is pouring billions into online ads
- one of the fastest growing industries for the past 10 years
- expected to grow by nearly 20% annually for the next 5 years
WORDS determine the advertisements that are displayed on a webpage
- publishers of web pages embed ad widgets from ad networks into the pages of their websites
- ad networks use the key words and phrases (Tags) of a webpage to determine the topic of the page
- ad networks display ads on web pages that are relevant to these key words and phrases (Tags)
WORDS have cash value
- you can actually buy and sell key words and phrases (Tags) for fun and profit
- you can own the advertising rights to key words and phrases (Tags)
- when an advertisement generates revenue on a webpage you can earn a portion of the revenue if you own the key word or phrase (Tag) that is the topic of the page
Tag Trading is a low cost business that is fun and profitable
- you can start with as little as $5 USD
- you can buy Tags for as little as $ 0.10 USD
- you earn 15% profit when you sell a Tag to another Tag Trader
- you earn 20% of the revenue when an advertisement generates money from a webpage

Hundreds of billions of ads are being displayed on web pages throughout the globe right now. Millions of people are clicking on these ads. Every time an advertisement generates money on a webpage, it is an opportunity for a Tag Trader to make money.

There are billions of key words and phrases (Tags), in hundreds of languages, on websites throughout the world. With Tags starting as low as $0.10 USD each, the possibilities are limitless. Imagine the millions of topics discussed throughout the entire World Wide Web. Think of all the key words and phrases (Tags) on all these pages and the goods or services being advertised on them. If you owned some of these Tags, you could be sharing in that revenue right now!

Online advertising is an established, mature, growing industry. Everyone from local sandwich shops to global car manufacturers participate. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! This is ground-zero, the very beginning of an explosive revolution in online business. Words will create untold wealth for their owners. How many will you own? How many advertisements are being delivered right now on web pages throughout the world? How many Tags in hundreds of languages are being targeted? Get your fair share today! Join the Tag Trading revolution and enjoy the fun and profit that awaits you.


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