Jesus Ventures Limited International is an Information Service Provider with the SOLE PURPOSE of helping businesses make maximum profits in their businesses.
we are able to achieve this via our practical, tested and proven materials in business, marketing, giving both inspirational and motivational tips and topics as well.
we do this so as to feed the TOTAL MAN: SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY.
The company is founded and owned by Pastor Olufolake Abosede Stephen Adams, a Business/Marketing Consultant with a 16 Years of business/marketing Experience.
The Company was founded on the 7th Of April 2012.

On 24th of Aug 2015, Jesus Ventures Limited International expanded its operations to 230 countries of the world via our partnership with Tripleclicks, an e commerce website that is fast growing with a customer base of 6 million and an affiliate number in millions.
Via this relationship, we have been able to help businesses across the globe via our materials and they are proves everywhere we go with an outstanding average rate between 4-5 of all our products.

An example is our business book: 30 Ways to Create Sales in Business. it is a 5 star rated book.
Our materials has helped many business ,men and women to redefine their purpose of doing business and what are the essential things to ensure sales.'we have had a great year in sales and our results prove the credibility of our materials.

We yet expanded our sales via the SFI Affiliate Program where we are able to spread our sales further.

A trial with us with convince you.


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